The Animation Lab is an experimental content space at BuzzFeed focused on animation a place for humor art crazy ideas and motivated people We aspire to be the masters of the smallest screen and the shortest of formats by creating compelling animation born on the internet for the internet
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Scaachi Koul born February 7 1991 is a former Canadian culture writer at BuzzFeed Canada 1 2 She is the author of the book of essays One Day Well All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter and was one of the reporters in BuzzFeeds Netflix documentary series Follow ThisBefore BuzzFeed Koul worked at Penguin Random House Canada the acquiring publisher of her book 3
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Get the good the bad and the wait what of everything thats been happening online and IRL each day BuzzFeed Daily covers the trends shows influencers celebrities and stories that
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Worth It was an American entertainment web series by BuzzFeedStarring Steven Lim and Andrew Ilnyckyj it ran from September 18 2016 to April 8 2023 Posted to Hulu and YouTube each episode of the series compares three different food dishes from three locations that are sold at low medium and high price points
Worth It TV series Wikipedia
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It certainly was controversial that Buzzfeed News simply dumped them without better clarifying that it was simply raw human intel from Russians via Steele Keep in mind that a senior Senator with a background in the military and decades of exposure to high level intel immediately turned a copy of the dossier over to the FBI as did Steele
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Nygaard in 2010 Nygaard was hired by BuzzFeed in April 2015 and worked as a video producer for BuzzFeeds show LadylikeShe left BuzzFeed in January 2017 4 Nygaard explained her reasoning for leaving the company in her popular 2017 video titled Why I Left BuzzFeed 5 which as of April 2017 had over 149 million views 6Nygaard is known for her YouTube series Bad Beauty Science in